British Gold Coins - King Richard III, 1483 to 1485.

    The only gold coins known to have been struck by Richard III are angels and angelets, and they are all very rare. They are of exactly the same type as those of Edward IV, but have R to left, rose to right of the cross on rev. They were struck at London only, by Robert Brakenbury, “Master Worker of the Money in the Tower.”

   ANGELS. 1. Obv. from a die of Edward IV, MM rose and sun united. EDWARD x DI x GRA : REX x ANGL : Z FRANC. Rev. PER CRVCEM x TVA x SALVA NOS XPC REDEMPT, MM rose and sun united. MB. 2. RICAD x DI x GRA x REX ANGL x Z FRANC Rev, as last, but CRVCE x saltire also after XPC. MM, on both sides, rose and sun united. MB. Or RICARD. Rud. iv. 1. EVANS. 3. Same as last, but CRVSEM, rev. MM boar’s head. MB. 4. RICARD x DI : GRA x REX ANGL x Z FRANC : Rev. PER CRVCE x TVA x SALVA NOS XPC x REDEMP. MM obv. boar’s head, rev, rose and sun united. MB. 5. Same, but only one saltire after Franc, and reading REDEDMT. MB. 6. MM boar’s head on both sides, legends as 4 but no saltire after Franc or XPC, one after Salva and Nos. (43) MB. Or legends as 4 but REDEMPT. EVANS. 7. Obv. legend as 4, rev, as 3, MM boar’s head both sides. Saltire after every word on obv. except Rex and Z, two after Franc, one after Salva and XPC. Rud. iii. 17. 8. MM boar’s head on both sides, legends as 4 but TVAM, REDE, saltire after every word except Gra, Franc, and Per, two after Rede. THORBURN.

  ANGELET. 1. RICARD x DI x GRA x REX x ANGL Rev. 0 CRVX x AVE x SPES x VNICA x. MM rose (no doubt a mistake for rose and sun united) on both sides. Rud. iii. 18. 2. Same, but MM on both sides a boar’s head. Rud. iv. i. 3. Legends as 1 bu