British Gold Coins - William and Mary, 1688 - 1694.

    Throughout this reign gold continued to be coined on the principles established in 1670. The type of all the coins is, obv. busts of king and queen to right, necks bare, he[ads] laureate; legend GVLIELMVS. ET. MARIA. DEI. GRATIA Rev, square shield, garnished, crowned, bearing the arms of, in first and fourth quarter France and England quarterly, second Scotland, third Ireland; those of Nassau on an escutcheon of pretence; legend MAG. BR. FR. ET. HIB. REX. ET. REGINA. with the date at the top of the coin. There is no inner circle.

    FIVE GUINEAS. These have on their edge, like the previous ones, DECVS ET TVTAMEN ANNO REGNI &c. They occur of the dates of 1691 TERTIO, 1692 QVARTO, and 1693 QVINTO, without, and the same dates and 1694 SEXTO with the elephant and castle under the busts, the mark of the African Company (ante, p. 172). Rud. xvi. 1, 5. All are in MB. except that of 1693 without the elephant.

   TWO GUINEAS. Like the five guineas, but edges milled, not inscribed; 1693 and 1694 without, and 1694 with elephant and castle under busts. (139) Rud. xvi. 2. MB. Ruding, xvi. 6, gives also 1691 with elephant, but he gives no authority for the coin. On all his representations of the coins of this and the last reign the castle on the elephant’s back is omitted.

    GUINEAS. Like the two guineas, but the shield en rev. is scarcely garnished; 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694 without, and 1689, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694 with elephant and castle. Rud. xvi. 3, 7. That of 1694 with elephant and castle was exhibited to the Numismatic Society in February, 1881, by Mr. Copp. The others are in

   HALF-GUINEAS. These are like the guineas, but the busts on that dated 1689 have the hair arranged differently, none being drawn down over either forehead, and the ring-lets curling back from the neck. This coin is without the elephant. (140) The others have the busts like those on the guineas, with the ringlets hanging down the side of the neck, and occur of the dates 1690, 1691, 1692, 1694 without, and 1691 and 1692 with the elephant and castle. Rud. xvi. 4, 8 That of 1694 was in Mr Marshall’s collection, the others are in MB.